Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Put On A Double Ringed Belt

Images of the Foundation of the Boy Scouts of Chile. May 21, 1909 File

March to the Puente Los Morros.
few months ago I received this wonderful legacy from the Brother Scout, Mr. Norberto Pedreros Boudon. This is a set of photographs of the raid of the foundation of the Boy Scout Association of Chile.
Today we celebrate the 102 th anniversary of that, share it with you.
The tour kicked off the fledgling institution of the Boy Scout in Chile was carried out in the Maipo River, attended by 120 scouts divided into decurias.
organizers share the Rancho
departed from Santiago at 08:00 pm in two cars of the regular train, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of War. Once they got to San Bernardo, marched the 8 kilomentos column that separated the area of \u200b\u200bLos Morros. Once in place, the Doctor Vicencio, gave a short speech, where he introduced the importance and purpose of the Boy Scout s.
From that day began the operation of the "Central Brigade, which after the death of the founder, received May 13, 1913 the name of Alcibiades Vicencio, which soon after merged with the Brigade National Institute of Santiago, exist to this day.
(Source: Historical Review of the Association of Boy Scouts of Chile 1909-1945)
Official photo of the first Chilean scouts
Los Morros, May 21, 1909

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Retractable Hidden Blade Blue Prints

Restoration of the Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile


This Note in the always interesting site Scout Crossing. and the importance for those who are collectors, I wanted to share with you:

"In Chile, a couple of years and for reasons of change of headquarters, The Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile had to" rid " hundreds of books, training, records, memories and an endless number of documents attesting to the more than 100 years of this great institution, these being stored in the cellar of the Field School Alley.

For this reason, the National Council , in conjunction with the File Andrés Bello of the University of Chile. started last Saturday 30 and Sunday 01 May in the School field located in the Region of Libertador hard work pre Recognition and classification of the documents most relevant to Scouting.

This project aims to further the restoration and digitization of the selected files, so that all members of the Movement of Chile and the world can have access to them. And within a little longer able to open what will be the first Scout Library in Chile. Although we clarified how this is a long term project. "

Scout was the Middle Passage that accompanied this work and that he spoke with the Enforcement, all this and more in the following note:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spiderman Wrestling Shoes

May 6: 50th Anniversary of First Spaceflight

Issue Date: Quito, May 6, 2011
Quantity Stamp: 1 stamp (on 1 sheet block)
Yuri Gagarin

Face Value:
$ 5.00
5.000 block sheets
90 x 70 mm

Sheet 1 stamp block
Date of Issue: Quito, May 11, 2011
Values: 1 souvenir sheet
Design: Yuri Gagarin

Face Value: $5.00
5,000 souvenir sheets
90 x 70 mm

Sheet Layout:
Souvenir sheet of 1 stamp.