Monday, December 7, 2009

Html In Business Objects


image Professor Peter polej De celeste-together with Juan Duarte-conductor of the ceremony, and students standing Urban Art Workshop image

The poet Susan Micone dedicated his poetry to the work of artists from the same workshop.

Dedicated to artist Peter polej
for its strong artistic vocation and docente.SM.

The Iron has dark memories

son of the planet's mineral belly

kidded with burning giant forge.

The teacher blows the breath that animates

metal in the mouth of her child.

Craftsman fruitful, proud father

dreamer of the new world.

bell Wake asleep on the anvil!

announces to the world that a man celebrated:

Death does not exist, the work transcends!

Meat is sunset, the work rises.

Susana Micone, Taller Experimental Poetry UNLa

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vip Invitations Samples

The exhibition in Rosario, in photos

Some images
taken at the opening of the exhibition that I have the chance to participate in Rosario. Such events are very important to stamp collectors like me who rarely have contact with colleagues and not always easy to find a place to exhibit. The Museum Julio Marc has characteristics really amazing and very good to be showing some of my work on such an emblematic place.
share some photos from the first day. Enjoy them.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Whats Dementia And How Long Will You Live

Rosario Philatelic Shows

was officially opened the sample "70 anniversary of the creation of the museum Dr.Julio Marc", organized by the Philatelic Center and Historical Museum Dr. Gray Provincial de Rosario.

I have the opportunity to participate to show my work I have called "Fusion", which has been posted on this blog a few months ago.

In the photos, I am with my grandson that from so small and accompanies his grandfather on his hobby.
also the museum's director, Mr. Rolando Maggi, seal the envelope of the sample, and so is officially inaugurated. The exhibition will remain open until 29 November.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Men Flashing Women Vids

One of the values \u200b\u200bof collecting stamps is your relationship with History, Biology, Art, Religion, Sports, Geography, etc, which allows continuing revelation of the events that we live in a world of constant change, this opens his followers much unexplored paths and tempting, so the thematic collection, or for imaging results to express the most varied tastes through seals.
death can certainly be a topic not very nice to collect, but extensive research of how famous people who died will reveal interesting data. The tragedy, as happened? What were its causes? Sin is more than enough reasons to draw us and get us into the lives of these men and women whose images found on stamps.
died tragically: The stamps Argentines have found the following

Justo José de Urquiza : Killed April 11, 1870 at the Palacio San José, Entre Rios. A party of fifty men arrived on horseback and overpowered the guard. Urquiza tried to defend himself with a rifle, but was wounded by a shot in the head and surmounted by multiple stab wounds.
N ° 60 N ° 73 N ° 255 N ° 365

N ° 612 No. 558 No. 865 and No. 2441

DORREGO MANUEL: Executed by order of Juan Lavalle on December 13, 1828 in San Lorenzo Navarro, Buenos Aires. Nos. stamps. 1969-1665

Executed by the feds on October 3, 1841. Stamps
Nos. 413 and 1867

GALO JUAN LAVALLE : Jujuy Killed on 9 October 1841 by a federal patrol.

No. 417 and 1865 stamps

ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Killed April 15, 1865. Gen. and Mrs. Lincoln went to Ford's Theatre to see a musical comedy, where Lincoln sat in the balcony, John Wilkes Booth Southern sympathizer, he fired a single shot to the head of the President and shouted (Thus always to tyrants .)

Stamp No. 618

JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY: Assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. The thirty-fifth President of the United States was mortally wounded by gunfire while riding in the presidential car in Dealey Plaza. It was the fourth U.S. president assassinated. Seal No. 685

JORGE NEWBERY: Died in a plane crash in Tamarindos, Mendoza on March 1, 1914.
Air Seal No. 684 and No. 136

LUGONES LEOPOLDO: We poisoned the Tigre on 18 February 1938.Sello

VICENTE LOPEZ LUCIO : Died in a duel occasioned by his political action on 29 December 1984. Seal No. 766

Storni : He committed suicide at sea on October 25, 1938, Mar del Plata, No. 791

Zanni LEANDRO PEDRO: He died in a car accident on January 29, 1942. Seal No. 800


On May 28, 1919 his plane top 150 meters from the border with Chile in the Andes. Matienzo was injured, walked several miles seeking their salvation without success. On 18 November of that year his body was found by a police. Seal No. 857

Pedro Eugenio Aramburu : Killed 16 July 1970 date for the legal certification of death. Stamp No. 1236

Killed by terrorists on April 10, 1972. Stamp No. 1341

JUAN PABLO I : Inconsistencies officers together with other factors of economic, have given rise to conspiracy theories that point to a poisoning Pontiff.

Stamp No. 1195

Martin Miguel de Guemes :
The July 6, 1821 was wounded by a bullet, in a confrontation, died ten days later. It was the only general killed in action in a foreign war.

Stamps. 372-373 - 1804-900 -

CARLOS GARDEL : He died on June 24, 1935 in Medellin (Colombia), in a plane crash. Stamps
Nos. .

1514-1515-1516 INDIRA GANDHI : Killed with 31 bullet wounds, three months after his reelection in 1984 by his two bodyguards. Stamp No. 1585

FRANCISCO NARCISO LAPR : Killed in a clash Mendoza Unitarian supporting the September 22, 1829. His body was never found. Stamp No. 1586

FRANCISCO "PANCHO" RAMIREZ: The July 10, 1821 was killed in a clash with the forces who had previously been his ally, Estanislao Lopez. Seal
Nro. 1588

JUAN GALVEZ : El 3 de marzo de 1963 en Olavaria, a los 47 años, corriendo sin cinturón de seguridad, se accidentó chocando con un montículo de tierra, falleció instantáneamente y el país decía adiós a un ídolo. Sello Nro. 1837

JOSE MARTI : El 19 de mayo de 1895 cae en combate. Tres tiros certeros de unos fusiles españoles cegaron la vida del apóstol.
Sello Nro. 2008

ANTONIO JOSE DE SUCRE : Asesinado el 4 de junio 1830. The murder was announced as a ort since it was planned and executed with malice. Stamp No. 2009

ANTONIO De Saint-Exupery: The July 31, 1944 aboard the Lightning P38 aircraft, had left Corsica, when radar failed to see the plane he was piloting and never heard of him.
Block No. 80. Nos. stamps. 2347 - 2348

ERNESTO GUEVARA: better known by the CHE. He was secretly captured and executed by the Bolivian army in collaboration with the CIA on October 9, 1967.
Seal No. 2145

CAROLA LORENZINI : "The Aviator Gaucha" was killed on 23 November 1941, making a display of acrobatics with an airplane that was not theirs at the base of Morón. Stamp No. 2450

RODOLFO WALSH: On May 25, 1977 a platoon ambushed specialized in the streets of Buenos Aires with the aim of learning alive. Walsh, a militant revolutionary, he resisted and was fatally wounded. His body was never found. Stamp No. 2810

JOSE ALBERTO IGLESIAS (thong) : In 1971 he was arrested and charged with drug trafficking, the May 19, 1972 escapes and dies under the wheels of San Martín Railway. Stamp No. 2845

NORBERTO NAPOLITANO (PAPP): died on February 25, 2005 in Luján (Buenos Aires) following a traffic accident on Route 5. The guitarist was traveling with his motorcycle fell to the pavement and died instantly. Stamp No. 2848

The seal numbers for the Argentine Stamps Catalogue 1856-2010

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Colloid Degenerative Goitre


soon will set out the joint work of artists Fernando Workshop Izaguirre and poets Poetry Workshop Experimental National University Mabel Lanús Margarido coordinated in "El Refugio" Independent Theatre Banfield.


His madness

clock upstream

that runs over the past

break it, change it.

His madness


withered fist tightens, clung

on time dead.

His madness

beyond the labyrinth dance


wanders through a graveyard with flowers.

His madness

for her skin lost


and the moment of love.


Gustavo Chamorro Susana Poetry Micone 2009

El Refugio 540 Teatro Maipu Banfield Independiente

PBA Press Susana Micone