Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Reset Vip Bag Lock



postmarked on May 6, 1938 - stamped with the seal number 381 drilled to medium run printing, accompanying number normal printing and 381Y 381 and 377 varieties

Comment: Although this consists of copies circulated varieties of clothing is genuine, for the following reasons:
1) At that time the minimum portaging a simple letter was covered with 5 cts , and certified with 20 cts (respecting of course the minimum weights). This is a portage of $ 6.30, so that if it should have taken lead in it.

2) The heavier the year, in 1938 the company was called "POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS" but the coupon attached on the upper left corner says "Encotel" name that it acquired more forward and when these stamps longer circulating. Conclusion

with genuine stamps put together a variety of certificate and probably in collusion with an employee-mail security with several friends or acquaintances applied the postmark date metallic roller that was used until a few years ago.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Zirconia Dental Implants

flew together

GERMANY: March 27, 1909. Official Postcard Graf Zeppelin. Goltzschal airship flying bridge. Postcard to Dresden.

REICH GERMANY: March 15, 1929. Postcards Zeppelin flight to the United States postmark Friedechasfen, Dorda gomígrafo AMERIKAFHART 1929, New York reception compared with rest emergency 05.08.1929.

ARGENTINA: May 21, 1930. Great piece of front on the 1st. Zeppelin flight SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE. Aeropostal + Gomígrafo allusive postmark.

GERMANY REICH: August 3, 1930. Picture postcards LZ127 GRAF ZEPPELIN, red mark Luftschieff Mit Graf Zeppelin Befordert. Friedrichshafen postmarked 3.8.1930, 4.8.1930 Darmstadt step.

GERMANY REICH: August 10, 1930. LUFTSCHIFF picture postcards, GRAF ZEPPELIN LZ127 Graf Zeppelin flown by - mark ABWURF ZEPPELIN POST-from Luftschiff aimed at Dortmund - postage box (President Paul von Hindenburg). 10.08.1930.

GERMANY REICH: August 10, 1931. On registered letter addressed to Luchentin, with joint air to Stettin, now Szczecin (Poland).

GERMANY REICH: August 29, 1931 On circulated to Rosario (Argentina) by Zeppelin from Friedrichshafen - gomígrafo Sudamerikafahrt 1931 (Sieger 124) 9/12/1931 reception.

GERMANY REICH: September 18, 1931. Postcards 2nd. Flight Zeppelin, Friedrichshafen postmark - aimed at Cochabamba - Bolivia-Gomígrafo Sudamerikafahrt Graf Zeppelin 1931 - (Sieger 221 to South America 1931). Via Air-postmarked 9/23/1931 Buenos Aires BRASIL: October 20, 1931. On Zeppelin flown from Porto Alegre to Vienna with a reception on 28.10.1931

GERMANY REICH: May 4, 1932. Illustrated card, flown by Graf Zeppelin Stuttgart LVFTSCHIFF gomígrafo GRAF ZEPPELIN 4. SOUTH-EAHRT 1932.

GERMANY REICH: May 9, 1932. Circulated Postcards Graf Zeppelin Flight Sudamerika Fahrt 1932 addressed to Berlin Red Gomigrafo LVFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN Zeppelin 4. 1932-FARHRT SVDAMERIKA

GERMANY REICH: September 12, 1932. About Sudamerikafahrt Zeppelin flown by 1932, aimed at Ocampo (Santa Fe) Argentina. Green Gomígrafo Luftschiff Sudamerikafahrt Graf Zeppelin 1932, received 19.09.1932.

ITALY: May 26, 1933. Airship flown on "GRAF ZEPPELI" from Viareggio (Italy) via Rome (Italy) on 29.05.1933, reception Nimes (France) 31.05.1933.
BRAZIL: June 7, 1933. About flown via CONDOR-ZEPPELIN-with blue label. From Sao Paula to Torino. Front FRIEDRICHSHAFEN THE 13.06.1933.

BRAZIL: August 23, 1933. About flown via CONDOR-ZEPPELIN-2nd. BRAZIL-EUROPA-flight from Rio de Janeiro to Genoa, reception 8/31/1933.

BRAZIL: October 4, 1933. About flown via CONDOR-ZEPPELIN-8. Transatlantic Air Service flight-BRAZIL-EUROPA-from Sao Paulo to Lucca, 11.10.1933 reception.

NETHERLANDS: April 12, 1934. About LUFT HANSA-DEUTSCHES flown Luftpost "From Rotterdam to Buenos Aires. Red-EUROPA-Brand-Brand SudameriKa back STTUGART (Germany) 14.04.1934-Buenos Aires (Argentina) 20.04.1934-21.04.1934 Received

ARGENTINA: June 28 1934. Circulated on the 3rd. ARGENTINA-EUROPE Direct Flight of the Graf Zeppelin flew on June 30, 1934 between Buenos Aires and England. GRAF ZEPPELIN back LUFTSCHIEF BEFORDERT MIT, the 06.07.1934.

BRAZIL: June 28, 1934. About flown via CONDOR-ZEPPELIN-LUFTHANSA-Transocean Air Service BRAZIL-EUROPA, from Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Aires.

ARGENTINA: June 29, 1934. Circulated on the 1st. Direct Flight to ARGENTINA-BRAZIL Graf Zeppelin, between Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, with direct flight triangular postmark ARGENTINA-EUROPA - 06/30/1934.

ARGENTINA: June 29, 1934. On Zeppelin flown from Buenos Aires to Germany. with gomígrafos 1st. Direct Flight Argentina, Europe and "Via Condor" with reception Friedrichshafen 06.07.1934.

AUSTRIA: April 16, 1935. Cover Vienna to Buenos Aires with red postmark Luftpost Deutsche Zeppelin-EUROPA-SudameriKa.

GERMANY REICH: April 27, 1935. About flown via Condor-DEUTSCHE-EUROPA-SudameriKa Luftpost from Erfurt to Buenos Aires, MIT tagged Luftpost.

ENGLAND: October 19, 1935. About flown from Coventry to Buenos Aires with Red Zeppelin DEUTSCHE Luftpost postmark EUROPA-SudameriKa. Back reception postmark Berlin 23.10.1935 27.10.1935 Buenos Aires.

USA: May 11, 1936. Flown from U.S. card with gomígrafo "LAEHURST FIRST FLIGHT" with reception Frankfurt (Germany) 14.05.1936-MIT LUFISCHIFF HINDERNBURG BEFORDERT.

REICH GERMANY: June 14 de 1936. Tarjeta con vista del Dirigible LZ129 sobrevolando, volada por Graf Zeppelin con recepción a Pernambuco el 15.06.1936 y alcance a Argentina.

ALEMANIA REICH: 31 de diciembre de 1937. Sobre circulado de Leipzig a Montevideo- matasello Frankfurt (Main) 01.01.1938 , con recepción 07.01.1938. Cachet lila DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST EUROPA-SUDAMERIKA.

BELGICA: 30 de Marzo de 1938. Sobre volado por Zeppelin desde Bruselas y con recepción Buenos Aires 03.04.1938. Matasello zepellin DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST EUROPA-SUDAMERIKA.

PARAGUAY: September 10, 1938. About circulated from Asuncion to Berlin Air Mail postmark and receipt Asuncion Paraguay Berlin 19.09.1938.

GERMANY REICH: October 4, 1938. About circulated from Hamburg to Buenos Aires with red postmark DEUTSCHE Luftpost EUROPA-SudameriKa, Buenos Aires 10.10.1938 reception.

GERMANY REICH: December 1, 1938. Postcard - Zeppelin LZ129 Hindenburg circulated from Friedrichshafen, Frankfurt (Main) RHEIN-MAIN-two red postmark postmark alluding + a Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei black-FRANKFURT-M. ZUR Besuch der Erinnerung AN DEM-RHEIN-MAIN ZEPPELINHALLE.

REICH GERMANY: February 15, 1939. Zeppelin Airship flown on-DEUTSCHE-EUROPA-SudameriKa Luftpost. From Stuttgart to Montevideo / Uruguay 17.02.1939 reception.

GERMANY REICH: March 22, 1939. Zeppelin Airship flown on-DEUTSCHE-EUROPA-SudameriKa Luftpost. From Heilbrronn-Ineckar to Montevideo / Uruguay 26.03.1939 reception.

GERMANY REICH: April 17, 1939. Zeppelin Airship flown on-EUROPA-SudameriKa DEUTSCHE Luftpost. From Stuttgart to Montevideo / Uruguay 23.04.1939 reception.

ITALY: June 27, 1939. Cover Montova to Rio de Janeiro with red Zeppelin postmark. DEUTSCHE LUFPOST-EUROPA-SudameriKa.