Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Put On A Double Ringed Belt

Images of the Foundation of the Boy Scouts of Chile. May 21, 1909 File

March to the Puente Los Morros.
few months ago I received this wonderful legacy from the Brother Scout, Mr. Norberto Pedreros Boudon. This is a set of photographs of the raid of the foundation of the Boy Scout Association of Chile.
Today we celebrate the 102 th anniversary of that, share it with you.
The tour kicked off the fledgling institution of the Boy Scout in Chile was carried out in the Maipo River, attended by 120 scouts divided into decurias.
organizers share the Rancho
departed from Santiago at 08:00 pm in two cars of the regular train, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of War. Once they got to San Bernardo, marched the 8 kilomentos column that separated the area of \u200b\u200bLos Morros. Once in place, the Doctor Vicencio, gave a short speech, where he introduced the importance and purpose of the Boy Scout s.
From that day began the operation of the "Central Brigade, which after the death of the founder, received May 13, 1913 the name of Alcibiades Vicencio, which soon after merged with the Brigade National Institute of Santiago, exist to this day.
(Source: Historical Review of the Association of Boy Scouts of Chile 1909-1945)
Official photo of the first Chilean scouts
Los Morros, May 21, 1909

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Retractable Hidden Blade Blue Prints

Restoration of the Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile


This Note in the always interesting site Scout Crossing. and the importance for those who are collectors, I wanted to share with you:

"In Chile, a couple of years and for reasons of change of headquarters, The Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile had to" rid " hundreds of books, training, records, memories and an endless number of documents attesting to the more than 100 years of this great institution, these being stored in the cellar of the Field School Alley.

For this reason, the National Council , in conjunction with the File Andrés Bello of the University of Chile. started last Saturday 30 and Sunday 01 May in the School field located in the Region of Libertador hard work pre Recognition and classification of the documents most relevant to Scouting.

This project aims to further the restoration and digitization of the selected files, so that all members of the Movement of Chile and the world can have access to them. And within a little longer able to open what will be the first Scout Library in Chile. Although we clarified how this is a long term project. "

Scout was the Middle Passage that accompanied this work and that he spoke with the Enforcement, all this and more in the following note:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spiderman Wrestling Shoes

May 6: 50th Anniversary of First Spaceflight

Issue Date: Quito, May 6, 2011
Quantity Stamp: 1 stamp (on 1 sheet block)
Yuri Gagarin

Face Value:
$ 5.00
5.000 block sheets
90 x 70 mm

Sheet 1 stamp block
Date of Issue: Quito, May 11, 2011
Values: 1 souvenir sheet
Design: Yuri Gagarin

Face Value: $5.00
5,000 souvenir sheets
90 x 70 mm

Sheet Layout:
Souvenir sheet of 1 stamp.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can Use 7.2 Instead Original

The first Cub Scout Pack de Chile

On September 25, 1926 passed into history of Scouting in Chile, as it came to the foundation of a new unit, the Cubs.
was an afternoon at the premises of the historic School Sanfuentes Salvador Santiago, who gave endowments to Section No. 1 Brigade Cub Manuel Tello.
The establishment of this unit was the work of chief scout Czech Milos B. Dvorak, of intensive work within the Scout Association of Chile, and the head Blanca Vidal Lazo.
Dvorak, who only months earlier, had initiated unit Rover Scouts in Chile is also the author of Tips Akela, which was used as a guide for future Chilean Old Lobos, along with Lobato's Manual of English Vera Barclay.
As a curiosity, we note that the pack of Manuel Tello, is also the first in South America to start its operation.
(The images are from our collection)

reportage Magazine No. 186 The Sport

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pdf Financial Management Im-pandey

MICON SUSANA Parodíz Interviewed by Carlos Alberto Marquez, Diario La Union. REMEMBERING

Diario La Unión

"Everything is new if you look with new eyes"

by Union Entertainment and Culture

05/01/1911 The essayist and journalist, tells his story. His texts revolve around what the Argentines have suffered.

Susana Micone Vicente Huidobro, Chilean poet, poetry is estimated that before the beginning and after the end of man.

"If you narrow the search lines prevent, escape between the lines ...", and thus gives Micone Susana reason in its history, poetry, the distinction of being suburban and watch to count, raise actions in the art and music, to dress the work that deserves this unique artist generating social lanusense worth knowing.

- If the poet is a little god, as presented?

"First of all thank you very much to reach out to this house, and be willing to share this blend of suburb where the noise is not only of progress but we still have birds, we still have green.

- Can you talk about Susana Micone?

-frequency always had the artists, but around 2000 I had the need to express an imperative.

And so came the first book, "Argentina's handwriting," which in reality is testimonial, here there is a literary form, in contrast, is a form of poetry break, and I did not forget anyone.

Because many of these poems are dedicated and all other revolving around the suffering of the Argentine, which we have lived. It was illustrated by Nilda Toledo Guma, well known sculptor and plastic in the city.

- So rip off?

"That tore. And then came the stage of friends and pleasures because I realized I was not alone. And some of the plasma in this book are "emotional portraits." And others are from people who could not put his name.

Each page is a person. They are portraits of the soul. And it was a debt I had, this is the second book.

- And after that work?

"Then came the third," We Argentines prophecies ", it won the Belt of Honour of the writers of the province of Buenos Aires, 2005-2006 and gave me great satisfaction, was a hopeful feeling.

This had to put my hopes in the first, my terrors all The book is illustrated by an artist especially of Lomas de Zamora, who is Marita Sario, who illustrated each poem.

Then, "Meditations for psychonauts" and this is a step that is true because I said at the beginning, back to basics, recognizing who he is.

This is a book of meditations, this book moved to the plastic and each illustrated Sario And there was another miracle that made music, each chapter has music. Made by Sergio Serra, director of the People's Choral. Sergio read the book and wrote to each chapter, which are now also

knowledge - also worked in the institutional?

-Between 2005 and 2008, was in touch with the people of the SADE in Lanús, I worked as a secretary, as member of committee, and participated in all anthologies, almost a year, from 2000 to 2010 . In a foreword to the book's 2002 talk SADE this live between the lines of Argentina.

- What experimental poetry?

"Then I did" My friends living poets, "for our meeting. It was here at the University of Lanús, the place of dreams, where they published the workshops, where they meet the pebbles, and was dedicated to living poets in this book. I also work of experimental poetry. And some experimental formats and friends of mine.

- Did you try other ways?

"If you like the tango, this is almost a point, I've written tango lyrics and nursery rhymes, this story of tango to the headquarters city of Lanus, on the writer, and Carlos Perez Turkish painted a picture as they read the poem, and is called as the poem that gave rise to "History of tango."

I also made a calendar that can be downloaded for free over the Internet. Are selected texts one last book that is not edited. Another kind of meditation, this book will be called "The skin of the universe."

Palmieri, who is an artist and designer, the design was tweaked and worked on watercolor paper and made Eastern and illustrated. I also wrote some trial, philosophy, it was published in "The Writer", I thought of Sartre and Heidegger realidad.Todo applied to the new if you look with fresh eyes.

- Any other laurels?

- "The beast and his cage" is a poem that won an award, an honorable mention and tells how men take over other men and robbed the name, something that happens, unfortunately. "Cursed is the man who eats another man erasing the name," reads in part.

testimonial is a time, a thirst for justice and things that happened mourners. It is a process from the pain up to the hopes and the spinal cord.

- When did programming language?

"Long before the literary process. When entering the country programming as something new. I really loved the idea, in fact, always seek the bridge between matter and spirit, the link, so to speak.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sample Letter For Priest

Post of Ecuador: special postmarks for the beatification of John Paul II

week from 2 to 6 May, the post offices in Quito and Guayaquil, bring into use a special postmark to commemorate the beatification of John Paul II.
The week of 2 to 6 May, the post offices in Quito and Guayaquil, will use a special postmark to commemorate the beatification of John Paul II.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Is The New Season Of Huntik

Covers and Coins


02.03.2009: Celebrating 40 th Anniversary of First Flight of Concorde.

12.02.2009: Tribute to Charles Darwin.

21.04.2009: Henry VIII and Elizzabeth I

19.05.2009: 250 Royal Anniversary Jardin Botanico.

01.09.2009: Fire and Rescue Service.

22.10.2009: The countdown begins ...

30.11.2009: 75 th Anniversary of the world record for steam train "THE FLYING SCOTSMAN"

16.01.2010: 1600 Anniversary of the Roman withdrawal from Britain, Constantine I the Great, 307-337 AD

11.03.2010:-Home Battersea Dogs and Cats-1860-2010

27.07.2010: XXX Olympics - London 2012

22.03.2011: 50 Years Wildlife Foundation. Amazon Vive.