Thursday, March 31, 2011

List Of Modern Bengali Name For Male Baby

Girl Guide, sculpture by Fernando Thauby

This is the only picture I managed to find the Girl Guide work of Chilean artist Fernando Thauby Sanhueza.
The author of this sculpture was an important leader of the Boy Scouts Association of Chile, member of the Masons and author of the famous statue The Boy Scout, about which we have written on this blog .

Friday, March 25, 2011

Braces: Raw Spot On Tongue

Errors on the Fauna of the Galapagos Islands

An error in philately generally refers to a defect in the production of a postage stamp: wrong color, perforation failure or lack of it, folds in the paper, etc. Such errors are relatively rare and therefore such stamps with mistakes are costly. However, there is another type of error that is not so rare or expensive. It is the design error. There are errors in spelling, geography, politics, history, etc.

On March 18, 2011, Correos del Ecuador put into circulation an issue of two booklets, of 16 stamps in each, with images of wildlife and landscapes of the Galapagos Islands.

A close examination reveals several text errors in both the common and scientific names of the species represented.

1. The first obvious mistake is the lack of consistency in the naming of the animals. Some names start with capitals; others are entirely in lower case:

  • Piquero Enmascarado - Piquero de patas azules
  • Tortuga Marina - Iguana terrestre

2. In the name of the penguin, it should be shown Galapagos Penguin, the scientific name is wrong. Sphenisciformes is a plural form and should be used for the order which includes all species of penguins. The correct name for this species is Spheniscus mendiculus .

3. In the scientific name of Blue-footed booby appears as Sula Nebouxi . According to the standard convention used for naming the different species of organisms, called binomial nomenclature, the scientific name assigned to a species is formed by two names, genus and specific name. The first is always be written with the initial capital and the second in lowercase. In this case, the error is obvious.

4. In addition to the error mentioned above, there is another. The correct name of Sula nebouxii has been omitted from the final two i

The only fish that is depicted in this issue has several errors. The most obvious is the omission of initial h, to give the name of Alcón del corral narigudo , when the correct way to write the name of this fish coral reef is Halcón del coral narigudo . The second mistake is to put an extra letter word r in word coral rendered meaningless name of the fish.

6. In the second booklet, the scientific name for sea lion shows two errors. The correct name is Zalophus wollebaeki instead of Zaluphus wolleb aeki.

7. The same mistakes in the name are present in the adjacent stamp.

8. Two stamps feature a unique rock formation in Darwin Island, known as Arco de Darwin (Darwin's Arch), but omitting the grammatical rule of using capital letters in proper nouns "arco de Darwin" was written.

The best recommendation to the Ecuadorian Postal Service is for the nature-themed stamp designs must be reviewed by experts in their field.

Make Ballet Shoes From Fondant

booklets Errors Fauna cards

A philatelic error generally refers to a defect in the production of a postage stamp: wrong colors, failures in drilling or absence of this , pleated paper, etc.. Such errors are relatively rare and therefore this type of seals are costly mistakes. However, there is another type of error that is not so rare or so expensive. It is the design error. There are errors in spelling, geography, politics, history and the like.

Last March 18 was put into circulation an emission consists of two cards (16 stamps) with images of wildlife and landscapes of the Galapagos Islands.
A close examination reveals several errors, all in the texts, both common names and the names of the species represented.

1. The first obvious mistake is the lack of consistency in the naming of the animals, while some names you do with initial capitals, in other and entirely in lower case:

Masked Booby - blue-footed booby
Turtle - Land Iguana

2. shown on behalf of Penguin Galapagos Penguin should be, but what is striking is the scientific name wrong. reads Sphenisciformes , when this is the name (plural) assigned to order grouping all species of penguins. The correct name for this species is mendiculus Spheniscus.

3. In scientific name the blue-footed booby, Sula appears Nebouxi . According to the standard convention used for naming the different species of organisms, called binomial nomenclature, where the scientific name assigned to a species is formed by two names, genus and specific name. The first should always be written with initial capitalization and the second is written entirely in lowercase. In this case the error is obvious.

4. addition to the error mentioned, there is another, the correct name is Sula nebouxii Has been omitted from the final two ies.

5. The only fish that is part of this issue has several errors. The most obvious is the omission of the letter h initial by giving the name of the pen Alcon nosed when the correct way to write the name of this fish coral reef is Hawk proboscis. The second mistake is to put an extra letter word ere coral rendered meaningless name of the fish.

6. In the second card, the scientific name for sea lion shows two errors. The correct name is Zalophus wollebaeki when is written as Zaluphus wolleb AEKI.

7. The same mistakes in the name are present in the adjacent seal.

8. Two stamps feature a unique rock formation in Darwin Island, known as the Arch Darwin, but omitting the grammatical rule of using capital letters in names was written Darwin arc .

We can only recommend to the post of Ecuador in each issue under the topic, it makes a design review by experts in each area.

of Ecuador Ecuador philately philatelic stamps on EFO error freak oddity philately errors

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tonsils Have Mini Holes?

Galapagos Islands Ecuador: Upcoming Releases / Forthcoming Issues

Upcoming Releases: Sesquicentennial
Superior Institute of Technology Simón Bolívar, Ambato (April)
International Year of Forests (May)
Salesian School Centennial Cristóbal Colón, Guayaquil (May)
awareness campaign for HIV (June)
UPAEP America 2011: Mailboxes (July)
Moths Otonga Integral Forest (September)
Forthcoming Issues:
Simón Bolívar Sesquicentennial Superior Institute of Technology, Ambato (April)
International Year of Forests (May)
Salesian College Centenary of the Cristobal Colon, Guayaquil (May)
with HIV Awareness Campaign (June)
PUASP America: Mailboxes (July)
Otonga Moths from Integral Forest (September)
philately of Ecuador Ecuador philatelic philately

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Dry Day Cervical Mucus

March 18: Centenary of the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal-UPAEP-

Issue Date: Quito, March 18 201
Number of Stamps:
1 stamp (On 1 sheet block)
Map, clasped hands and flags of member countries UPAEP: Netherlands Antilles, Argentina, Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, United States, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Face Value:
$ 3.00
5.000 block sheets
100 x 70 mm

stamps souvenir sheet of 1
Date of Issue: Quito, March 18, 2011
Values: 1 souvenir sheet

Face Value: $3.00
5,000 souvenir sheets
100 x 70 mm

Sheet Layout:
Souvenir sheet of 1 stamp.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Use Vitamin E Capsules For Skin

March 18: Wildlife of the Galapagos Islands (Carnets)

Issue Date: Quito, March 18, 2011
Number of Stamps: 16 stamps (2 cards)
Fragata, Masked Booby, Penguin, blue-footed boobies, land iguanas, Galapagos tortoise, sea turtles and proboscis Coral Hawk. Bartolomé Island (2), Leo Marino (2), Arc de Darwin (2) and Iguana Marina (2).
$ 0.25 (4), $ 0.50 (4), $ 0.75 (4) and $ 1.00 (4)
Dimension of sealing: 28 x 29 mm
Size of card: 65
x 190 mm Perforation: Die continuous straight
Composition: two cards of 8 stamps (2 of each value)
Date of Issue: Quito, March 18, 2011
Values: 16 self-adhesive stamps (2 booklets)
Designs: Frigate Bird, Masked Booby, Blue-footed Booby, Land Iguana, Galapagos Turtle, Sea Turtle and Longnose Hawkfish. Bartolome Island (2), Sea Wolf (2), Darwin's Arch (2) and Marine Iguana (2).
Face Value: $0.25 (4), $0.50 (4), $0.75 (4), $1.00 (4)
Stamp size: 28 x 29 mm
Booklet size: 65 x 190 mm
Perforation: Straight line die cut
Sheet Layout: 2 booklets of 8 stamps (2 each value)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dailymotion Maria Swan

Philatelic Auction / Stamp Auction XV

philatelic The next auction will be held Saturday March 5, 2011, at 11h00 at the headquarters of our institution. Image catalog all lots are available at:

The next stamp auction Will Be Held Saturday March 5, 2011, at 11:00 am at the headquarters of Our stamp club. Catalog and images of all Are lots available at: