Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kate's Playground O-face


Quiet, comfortable and with great autonomy, the Zeppelin was the most elegant means of transport and most widely used in Germany in the early twentieth century. The name comes from Ferdinand von Zeppelin Zeppelin, who bought the patent and popularized the invention. However, as we know, not used today. The technology made famous by Count von Zeppelin has been relegated to other purposes such as sightseeing and advertising. For this reason, I have today a tribute to THOSE FLYING SAUSAGE ...

The Zeppelin is an evolution of the tegnologias the balloon, and they began to experience Montgolfier brothers in 1783. Many have tried to improve giving it greater maneuverability. One of the first to get it was Jean Pierre Blanchard in 1784 that added a manual propelling a balloon. Over 60 years later, would take place the first powered flight, by Henri Giffard, who in 1852 flew 17 km in an airship powered by a steam engine.

experiments followed by all kinds of pioneers thereafter. One of the most highlights was her Croatian engineer David Schwarz. After Schwarz's death, his epos Melanie received a succulent than 12,000 frames from deconde von Zeppelin, interested in acquiring all the technical documentation on the apparatus. It was the beginning of the golden age of airships.


Count Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf von Zeppelin, more co nocido as Ferdinand von Zeppelin, was born in Costanza (Confed.Germánica) on July 8, 1838, was the German inventor founder of Zeppelin airship company, considered a pioneer of aviation.
From 1880 onward, Zeppelin was concerned with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating dirigbles balloons. in 1899 began construction of its first rigid airship. On July 2, 1890, the dirigible Luftschiff Zeppelin (LZ1 air baptism performed at Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen in Germany. Carrying five people, reached a height of 396 m and covered a distance of 6 km in 17 minutes . In 1906 he traveled 24 hours by Swiss land, which began to arouse the enthusiasm of both the public and the German government. Flights were increasingly successful until the LZ4 Zeppelin crashed in 1908 at Echterdingen. Since 1909 the airships also use not in civil aviation with the creation of an air carrier of passengers by dirigles. Until 1914 the protractors Aviation Asoc.Alemana nearly 35,000 people in more than 1500 flights without a single incident.

During World War I (1914-1918) were employed over a hundred airships by the army and navy of Germany, both in the recognition task as the aerial bombardment of enemy territory. But its slow, its size and fragility made them very vulnerable to antiaircraft artillery, so they stopped the bombings used to después del fracaso de un ataque sobre Londres en 1917.

E l conde Zeppelin murió el 8 de marzo de 1917 en Berlín, antes del final de la Primera Guerra Mundial. No vio, por tanto, ni el cierre provisional del proyecto Zeppelin por causa del tratado de Versalles ni el resurgimiento de los mismos bajo su sucesor, Hugo Eckener. Tampoco llegó a ver cumplido su sueño de organizar vuelos trasatlánticos, que se hizo realidad entre 1928 y 1937.


Tras la muerte del conde, Hugo Eckener tomaría su relevo al mando de la compañía Zeppelin y se dedicó abuscar inversores. Su oportunidad llegó en 1924 when the U.S. government began experimenting with rigid self-built aircraft. The Americans built their own airship the USS ZR1, but had no positive results.
With the experience accumulated over the years, the company built its first Zeppelin finally, the LZ126, which made its maiden flight from Los Angeles to Manhattan. The completed without incident eronave a flight of 8,050 km in 81 hours and two minutes, and even the U.S. President Calvin Coolidge received Dr Eckener and his crew at the White House to commemorate the feat, called the new Zeppelin an "angel of peace ". Thus, it became the most successful American ship, operating reliably for eight years until it was withdrawn in 1932 for economic reasons and dismantled in 1940.

LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin flew for the first time on 18 September 1928 and was the largest aircraft of its time, with a longitude of 236.5 m and a volume of 105.0oo m3. 5 is propelled with Maybach engines of 550 HP and could transporting a load of 60 tons. The growing popularity of the "big air" made it easy Eckener find sponsors. One was the American press magnate William Randolph Hearst, who requested the tour officially start in Lakehurst. In October 1928 the flight to New York, Hearst had placed a reporter Marguerite Grace There Drummond-Hay on board, therefore, who became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by air.
The airship made 600 trips 150 times flying over the Atlantic and established a regular line in 1931 cargo and mail to South America. Despite the onset of the Great Depression and the growing compentent fixed-wing aircraft, the LZ127 continue carrying passengers and mail across the ocean until 1936.

On 29 August 1929, led by Hugo Eckener, completed its first flight around the world by land in Lakehurst, New Jersey, USA. His trip lasted 21 days, which ran duante 34,600 km. Lakehurts left, crossing the Atlantic, made its first stop in the German city of Fridrischshafen after crossing Europe, the Urals and cross flew aSiberia up to Tokyo where he scale. Subsequently crossed the Pacific for the United States, Aug. 26, after 79 hours and 22 minutes by boat, landed at Los Angeles, California. Finally on August 29 returned to Aerospace Engineering Center Lakehurst, your starting point. The record-breaking flight LZ127 without touching the ground, setting it at 128 hours.

The ship managed to make another spectacular mission in July 1931, with a research trip to the Arctic, a journey that had already been a dream of Count Zeppelin 20 years earlier and could not meet due to the onset of WWI. The 1931 polar flight took a week from June 24, 1931 until 31. The Graf traveled about 10,600 km., Being the longest stretch without replenish than 8,600 km. The average speed was 88 km / h.

The June 30, 1934 appeared for these payments, as ambassador to the Nazis, the swastika was painted on the fuselage.


After 1933, the Nazis were not interested in Eckener and this failure to cooperate, Hermann Goring, the Nazi air minister, formed a new airline in 1935. However

Eckener allocated to complete the success frabric the LZ128 and LZ129. The March 4, 1936, LZ 129 Hindenburg (in honor of former German President Paul von Hindenburg), was the largest aircraft ever built besides propaganda missions, began to serve transatlantic lines together with Graf Zeppelin. On May 6, 1937, while landing at Lakehurst after a flight, in front of thousands of spectators, the tail of the ship caught fire and within seconds, the Hindenburg burst into flames, killing 35 of the 97 people on board, ended the history of airships as a means of transport. Comiezo Before World War II, the LZ 130 was used as an electronic exploration vehicle and was equipped with a variety of telemetry equipment. After the German invasion of Poland, the Luftwaffe ordered the LZ127 and LZ130 transfer to a large Zeppelin hangar in Frankfurt. World War II decreed the end of the airship, the Hindenburg destroyed and the two settled as scrap Graff Zeppelin, Zeppelin hunting was devoted to the manufacture of materials war. In 1944, a bombing destroyed the hangars. The airships were already history.


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