Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cartoon Avatar Football

SENAMI prepaid envelopes the Postal Service in Pedro Vicente Maldonado Research Station / Opening of Postal Service Station at Pedro Vicente Maldonado

Opening of Postal Service in the Ecuadorian Scientific Station Pedro Vicente Maldonado in Antarctica.
Opening of Postal Service in the Ecuadorian Scientific Station Pedro Vicente Maldonado in Antarctica.
Thanks to the initiative of Guayaquil Philatelic Club and the support of Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute, Post of Ecuador authorized the operation of a post office in the Ecuadorian station in Antarctica. This fact confirms the interest in making our presence in the white continent.
For collectors is an excellent opportunity for philatelic envelope commemorating this event. We suggest to get pre stamped envelopes with the national rate or if they wish to send them abroad, with the current rate: America $ 2.00 Europe $ 2.25 and $ 3.00 Asia or Oceania.
Incoming mail will be postmarked and sent to Antarctica to Ecuador at the time of return of each of the 3 stages of the expedition, then it will be filed through the conventional postal system. Special postmark also station will apply multiple labels, such as forwarding and station.
Venezolana The Fourth Expedition to Antarctica was developed jointly with the Ecuadorian and can also request to receive envelopes with the stamp of that issue.
On 15 February, plans to inuguracion the third module of the station and on that date, it applies a commemorative stamp.
The philatelists interested in receiving these three envelopes released from Antarctica, can do so through the Philatelic Club Guayaquil, this Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 January 2011, permenecerá open from 15h00 to 18h00. The expedition will depart from Guayaquil on Thursday 6 January.

Opening of Postal Service Station at Pedro Vicente Maldonado Ecuadorian
Thanks to the Initiative of Guayaquil Philatelic Club and the support of Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute, Correos del Ecuador authorized the operation of a post office in the Ecuadorian station in Antarctica. This fact confirms the interest in making our presence in the white continent.
For collectors is an excellent opportunity to get philatelic covers commemorating this event. We suggest to send prestamped envelopes with the national rate. If cover will be sent abroad, with the current rate: US$2.00 America, $2.25 Europe and US$3.00 Asia or Oceania.
The correspondence will be postmarked and sent to Antarctica to Ecuador at the time of return of each of the 3 stages of the expedition, then it will be filed through the conventional postal system. Special cachets from station will be applied.
The 4th Venezuelan Antarcic Expedition will be developed jointly with the Ecuadorian and can also apply for sending envelopes with Venezuelan cachets.
On 15 February, plans to inuguracion the third module of the station and on that date, will be applied a commemorative cachet.
Philatelists interested in receiving these three envelopes released from Antarctica, can do so through the Philatelic Club Guayaquil, this Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 January 2011, will remain open from 15h00 to 18h00. The expedition will depart from Guayaquil on January 6.
Overseas collectors interested t o get covers , please ask us via email:
Example VII of the Ecuadorian Expedition to Antarctica,
flanked by Russian Bellingshausen station.

Friday, December 24, 2010

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XV Expedition to Antarctica Ecuador / Ecuadorian 15th Antarctic Expedition / 15. Ecuadorianische

BACKGROUND Since 1984 our country is conducting presence and activities in Antarctica, until the year 2010 have been made 14 expeditions to the continent. In its first phase (1984-2003), was tasked with Ecuadorian Antarctic Program under the Naval Oceanographic Institute, the planning and execution of the activities of our country in Antarctic affairs and of the expeditions, having executed until the year 2003 a nine expeditions. Then from 2004 with the creation Antarctic Institute Ecuatoriano these tasks were given to the agency running the expeditions annually from the Tenth to the Fourteenth. XV

The Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute's tasks of planning the execution of the annual expeditions to Antarctica in order to develop research projects on the premises of the Ecuadorian Scientific station "Pedro Vicente Maldonado "Fort William is located in Punta Greenwich Island. This year we have plans to make the XV Ecuadorian Expedition to Antarctica using logistic transportation of countries present in the Antarctic area, from January 7 to March 15, 2011.

Logistics Unit
With tasks: completing the construction of Module # 4 Station Laboratory, performing maintenance of the structural elements of the station as required, after the Antarctic winter; maintaining electricity services, water systems, habitability of the station, communications, transportation on land and water, and support to researchers during the execution of their projects. Also considered as maintenance logistics activities Refuge Republic Ecuador's located in Punta Hennequin of King George Island, this activity was carried out with the support of the Brazilian Antarctic Program, from November 25, 2010 and December 6, 2010.
Research Unit
With tasks: meeting approved research projects in the Ecuadorian Scientific Antarctic Plan, execute the work planned for the lifting of the nautical chart Binational run research projects selected on Antarctic Research Program Ecuador Venezuela, as well as projects and administrative activities related to the NAIS.

First Stage (9 January to 2 February 2011)
is formed at the beginning of the expedition to Antarctica enter 34 people (29 Ecuadorian and Venezuelan 5), This phase includes the pre-shipment of containers with material, provisions , food and fuel, as well as the coordination made for the maintenance of the Refuge "Republic of Ecuador", the main activities: they are finishing the construction of the laboratory module, making the lifting of the shallow waters of the nautical chart Binational execution at least 3 research projects Science Plan and maintenance of all services of the station. At the end of this stage leaving a total of 19 people.
Second Stage (02 February to 22 February 2011)
enter at this stage to Antarctica for a total of 15 people (11 Ecuadorian and Venezuelan 4) for research projects run 2 of the Specific Programme for Antarctic Research Ecuador Venezuela, at least 4 projects and 2 Science Plan outreach projects. During this stage is scheduled to receive the visit of a high-level delegation, at the end of this phase out a total of 15 people.
Stage (February 22 to March 15, 2011) includes the arrival
air to Punta Arenas for 15 people to: develop 10 research projects sector PEVIMA Station, 2 administrative projects, continuing the outreach project and the presence of the two winners of the Intercollegiate. At the end of this stage station closes for winter and return to Ecuador the 30 members of the expedition.



BACKGROUND Since 1984 Presence and Ecuador is making Activities in Antarctica, Until the year 2010 Have Been made 14 expeditions to this continent. In ITS first phase (1984-2003), WAS tasked with Ecuadorian Antarctic Program under the Naval Oceanographic Institute rule, the planning and execution of the activities of Ecuador in Antarctic affairs and of the expeditions, having executed until the year 2003 a nine expeditions. Then from 2004 with the creation of the Instituto Antártico Ecuatoriano these tasks were given to this institute running the expeditions annually from the Tenth to the Fourteenth.


The Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute's tasks of planning the execution of the annual expeditions to Antarctica in order to develop research projects on the premises of the Ecuadorian Scientific station "Pedro Vicente Maldonado, located in Punta Fort William Greenwich Island . This year we have plans to make the XV Ecuadorian Expedition to Antarctica using logistic transportation of countries present in the Antarctic area, from January 7 to March 15, 2011.

Logistics Unit . With tasks: completing the construction of Module # 4 lab on the station, performing maintenance on the station's structural elements that are required, then the Antarctic winter, maintaining electricity services, water systems, habitability Station , communications, transportation on land and water, and support to researchers during the execution of their projects. Also considered as maintenance logistics activities of Ecuador Refuge in Punta Hennequin of King George Island, this activity will be supported by the Brazilian Antarctic Program, from November 25, 2010 and December 6, 2010.

Research Unit . With tasks: meeting approved research projects in the Ecuadorian Scientific Antarctic Plan, execute the work planned for the lifting of the nautical chart Binational run research projects selected on Antarctic Research Program Ecuador Venezuela, as well as projects and administrative activities related to the INAE.

First Stage (January 9 to February 2, 2011)
It is at the beginning of the expedition to Antarctica enter 34 people (29 Ecuadorian and Venezuelan 5), This phase includes the pre-shipment of containers with materials, supplies, food and fuel, as well as the coordination carried out for maintenance Refuge "Republic of Ecuador", the main activities: they are finishing the construction of the laboratory module, making the lifting of shallow waters of the Binational nautical chart, the execution of at least 3 research projects of the Science Plan and maintenance of all Station services. At the end of this phase out a total of 19 people.
Second Stage (February 2 to February 22, 2011)
At this stage Antarctica enter a total of 15 people (11 Ecuadorian and 4 Venezuelan) to run 2 research projects on Antarctic Research Program Ecuador Venezuela, at least 4 projects of the Science Plan and and 2 information projects. During this stage is scheduled to receive the visit of a high-level delegation, at the end of this phase out a total of 15 people.
Third Stage (February 22 to March 15, 2011)
Includes air arrival to Punta Arenas for 15 people to: develop 10 research projects in the Pedro Vicente Maldonaso Station area, 2 administrative projects, continuing the outreach project and the presence of the two winners of the School Contest. At the end of this stage station closes for winter and return to Ecuador the 30 members of the expedition.


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IV Expedition Expedition Antarktis Venezolana to the Antarctic Antarctic Expedition Venezuelan 4th / 4. Venezuela Expedition Antarktis

Since 2008 Venezuela has been three consecutive scientific expeditions to Antarctica. Studies were conducted during these three expeditions, which also involved the Venezuelan Navy as a logistical component, are in the field of hydrography and for the presence of microbiological contamination in the waters of Antarctica. Studies were also carried on permafrost in order to estimate the changes that have occurred globally in both climatic and geochemical composition of the planet.
The first two expeditions were conducted with the cooperation of the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute, the Antarctic program Brazilian and Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute. The third was done as part of agreements that are signed with Ecuador and Argentina. The fourth will be held in conjunction with the XV Ecuadorian Expedition to Antarctica , which will take place between January and March 2010.

Venezuelan 4th Antarctic Expedition
Starting in 2008 Venezuela has-been Consecutive three scientific expeditions to the Antarctic continent. Studies Were Conducted DURING These three expeditions, Which Also Involved the Venezuelan Navy as a component Logistical, plow in Hydrography and for the Presence of microbiological contamination in the Waters of Antarctica. Studies were also carried on permafrost in order to estimate the changes that have occurred globally in both climatic and geochemical composition of the planet.
The first two expeditions were conducted with the cooperation of the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute, the Brazilian Antarctic Program and the Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute. The third was done as part of agreements that are signed with Ecuador and Argentina. The fourth will be held in conjunction with the XV Ecuadorian Antarctic Expedition , which will take place between January and March 2010.

Emisión Postal: Venezuela en la Antártida

El Instituto Postal and Telegraph of Venezuela IPOSTEL put into service on December 21, 2010 issue Venezuela in Antarctica, the same review Venezuelan scientific expeditions in Africa. The issue comprises of 10 stamps in miniature sheet format.
These expeditions took place in the Venezuelan Antarctic Programme (PAV), coordinated by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Industry Intermediate.
During the presentation of the stamp issue, the general coordinator of the PAV, Angel Viloria, said the initiative is an effort to publicize the Antarctic program.
Deputy Scientific and Technological Development, Jorge Arreaza, said it was essential to disseminate the achievements of the Revolution through such means as philatelic issues. "We have a satellite in orbit, we are moving in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we have increased the percentage of gross domestic product invested in science and technology and institutions as IPOSTEL we are there not only to provide a service but to disseminate the policies and achievements of the Revolution "he said.

New Issue: Venezuela in Antarctica
The Postal and Telegraph Institute of Venezuela IPOSTEL put into service on December 21, 2010 the issuance Venezuela in Antarctica , which outlines the Venezuelan scientific expeditions in Antactica. The issue comprises of 10 postage stamps in miniature sheet format .
These expeditions were conducted in the framework of the Venezuelan Antarctic Program ( PAV ) , coordinated by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science , Technology and Intermediate Industries .
During the presentation of the stamp issue , the general coordinator of the PAV , Angel Viloria , said the initiative is an effort to publicize the Antarctic Program.
Vice Minister of Science and Technology Development , Jorge Arreaza , said it was essential to disseminate the achievements of the Revolution through such means as philatelic issues . " We have a satellite in orbit , we are moving in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we have increased the percentage of gross domestic product invested in science and technology and institutions IPOSTEL as we There Are Not Only to Provide a service But to Disseminate the Policies and Achievements of the Revolution " I said.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ora-00911: Invalid Character

Philatelic Year 2010

With the issuance Preservation of Cultural Traditions: Pass the child to travel or close the program stamp issues 2010.
The dedicated to International Year of Biodiversity: Galapagos Islands will be issued in January 2011. With the issue
Preservation of Cultural Traditions: Pass the Child Traveler the 2010 philatelic year ends.
The issue for the International Year of Biodiversity: The Galapagos Islands Will Be released in January 2011.

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December 21, Preservation of Cultural Traditions

Issue Date: Cuenca, December 21, 2010

Number of stamps: one stamp
Reason: Pass the Child Traveler

Face Value: $ 0.50


28 x 38
13 x 13.50
Pliego de 100 sellos
Date of Issue: Cuenca, December 21, 2010

Values: 1 stamp

Face Value: $0.50

28 x 38 mm
13 x 13.50
Sheet Layout:
Sheet of 100 stamps

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Much Colyte To Drink For Colonoscopy

December 16, 2010: Centenary of Colegio San José La Salle

Issue Date: Guayaquil, December 16, 2010
Number of Stamps: 1 seal
Emblem Colegio San José, Brother Michael.
Face Value: $ 0.25


Dimensions: 28 x 38

mm Perforation: 13 x 13.50

Composition: 100 stamps Tender

Date of Issue: Guayaquil, December 16, 2010

Values: 1 stamp
Emblem of the College of St. Joseph La Salle, Brother Miguel .
Face Value: $0.25

28 x 38 mm
13 x 13.50
Sheet Layout:
Sheet of 100 stamps

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mature Wives In Girdles

Comics Scout: Impeesa, The Wolf that never sleeps. Theme Lobos. Chile

This time I want to show, one of the "secrets" best kept collecting scout Chile in recent years.
This is the wonderful book printed in Chile by the commission Dolmen Ediciones, who commissioned the cartoonist Theme Lobos, to illustrate the life of Lord Robert Baden Powell.
As tell them last year, not new artists from different parties make visual tributes to BP, but the interesting thing is that this edition is that it was made by a Chilean artist, famous for his work as editor of the Child magazine Mampato , and creator of the character of the same name.
I invite you to find one copy of this book, because it is a real treasure for those who grew up listening to the adventures of the founder of Scouting.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Raven Riley And Kate Playground

, & # 160; ... "Would be the world's ox that is daughter" Juan Gelman

Anchored to my nature
mud first, germinal
concavity filled with warm blood. Godson
these meats, traveled life I'm wishing for a circle
miss the memories of the sky. Sometimes

flight bird
the most hopeful, lost feathers.
I left the dome of stars look small wings
when enlarged. Return

always return
claim his land when the mud blooms

for pleasure and complicity of my ox.
always knew the world would
the ox what
, & # 160; Susana Micone

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The night tends is much

disclosed pending the soul is disturbed
silent mysteries of life, or maybe
than it ever has lived, or simply
concerned than ever live.

found those eyes, always startled
, huge, full moon
, loneliness
confusing while trying to understand if you can
understand the impossible,
irremediable misery of unhappy beings.

Fruity, embalm
senses at night, in the skins of unsatisfied desire
burning, waiting
always open mouth
claiming she does not know, can not, and maybe you should not ...

& # 160; , & # 160; Susana Micone

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Szafy Narożne Poznań

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Friday, December 3, 2010

New York Dresses For Confirmation

December 3, 2010: Christmas

Issue Date: Quito, December 3, 2010
Number of stamps: one stamp
La Sagrada Familia
Face Value: $ 2.00

Circulation: 100.000 t

Dimensions: 28 x 38

mm Perforation: 13 x 13.50

Statement de 100 sellos
Date of Issue: Quito, December 3, 2010

Values: 1 stamp
The Holy Family
Face Value:
100,000 stamps
28 x 38 mm
13 x 13.50
Sheet Layout:
Sheet of 100 stamps