Friday, December 24, 2010

Can Lactulose Cause Tooth Decay

IV Expedition Expedition Antarktis Venezolana to the Antarctic Antarctic Expedition Venezuelan 4th / 4. Venezuela Expedition Antarktis

Since 2008 Venezuela has been three consecutive scientific expeditions to Antarctica. Studies were conducted during these three expeditions, which also involved the Venezuelan Navy as a logistical component, are in the field of hydrography and for the presence of microbiological contamination in the waters of Antarctica. Studies were also carried on permafrost in order to estimate the changes that have occurred globally in both climatic and geochemical composition of the planet.
The first two expeditions were conducted with the cooperation of the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute, the Antarctic program Brazilian and Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute. The third was done as part of agreements that are signed with Ecuador and Argentina. The fourth will be held in conjunction with the XV Ecuadorian Expedition to Antarctica , which will take place between January and March 2010.

Venezuelan 4th Antarctic Expedition
Starting in 2008 Venezuela has-been Consecutive three scientific expeditions to the Antarctic continent. Studies Were Conducted DURING These three expeditions, Which Also Involved the Venezuelan Navy as a component Logistical, plow in Hydrography and for the Presence of microbiological contamination in the Waters of Antarctica. Studies were also carried on permafrost in order to estimate the changes that have occurred globally in both climatic and geochemical composition of the planet.
The first two expeditions were conducted with the cooperation of the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute, the Brazilian Antarctic Program and the Ecuadorian Antarctic Institute. The third was done as part of agreements that are signed with Ecuador and Argentina. The fourth will be held in conjunction with the XV Ecuadorian Antarctic Expedition , which will take place between January and March 2010.

Emisión Postal: Venezuela en la Antártida

El Instituto Postal and Telegraph of Venezuela IPOSTEL put into service on December 21, 2010 issue Venezuela in Antarctica, the same review Venezuelan scientific expeditions in Africa. The issue comprises of 10 stamps in miniature sheet format.
These expeditions took place in the Venezuelan Antarctic Programme (PAV), coordinated by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Industry Intermediate.
During the presentation of the stamp issue, the general coordinator of the PAV, Angel Viloria, said the initiative is an effort to publicize the Antarctic program.
Deputy Scientific and Technological Development, Jorge Arreaza, said it was essential to disseminate the achievements of the Revolution through such means as philatelic issues. "We have a satellite in orbit, we are moving in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we have increased the percentage of gross domestic product invested in science and technology and institutions as IPOSTEL we are there not only to provide a service but to disseminate the policies and achievements of the Revolution "he said.

New Issue: Venezuela in Antarctica
The Postal and Telegraph Institute of Venezuela IPOSTEL put into service on December 21, 2010 the issuance Venezuela in Antarctica , which outlines the Venezuelan scientific expeditions in Antactica. The issue comprises of 10 postage stamps in miniature sheet format .
These expeditions were conducted in the framework of the Venezuelan Antarctic Program ( PAV ) , coordinated by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science , Technology and Intermediate Industries .
During the presentation of the stamp issue , the general coordinator of the PAV , Angel Viloria , said the initiative is an effort to publicize the Antarctic Program.
Vice Minister of Science and Technology Development , Jorge Arreaza , said it was essential to disseminate the achievements of the Revolution through such means as philatelic issues . " We have a satellite in orbit , we are moving in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we have increased the percentage of gross domestic product invested in science and technology and institutions IPOSTEL as we There Are Not Only to Provide a service But to Disseminate the Policies and Achievements of the Revolution " I said.


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