Sunday, October 10, 2010

Capilillaries After Eczema

Question of the Week "The Rainbow" - Children's Literature Contest 2010 (Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina)

"The Rainbow" - Children's Literature Contest 2010 (Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina)

"The Rainbow" - Children's Literature Contest 2010 (Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina)

The Chaco Culture Institute, through its Directorate Letters, reports that the invitation remains open to writers and illustrators interested in participating in "The Rainbow" - Children's Literature Contest 2010.

this award competition is open to all writers, writers, illustrators and illustrators over 18 years proving a home for more than five years in the provinces of Chaco, Misiones, Formosa, Corrientes, works, original and unpublished, written in English, Guarani, Qom, mocoit wichi or to conform to gender narrative.

The works should be aimed at children aged 4 to 12 years in two categories: picture book (fully illustrated book where text and pictures present a story in a complementary way) and Storybook (text only). -Be awarded in each category, a work in English and in indigenous languages \u200b\u200bwith a total of $ 3,000. The works will until Monday, October 25, 2010.


Beneficiaries may compete this award all the writers, writers, illustrators over eighteen proving a home for more than five years in the provinces of Chaco , Misiones, Formosa, Corrientes, provided that the works submitted in compliance with the narrative genre and meet the requirements established by these Rules.

people may not be made to perform tasks in one of the units of the Institute of Culture and Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Province of Chaco. Object

Participation unpublished works, written in English, Guarani, Qom, mocoit wichi or have not been previously awarded or simultaneously participate in another contest. The author / author or authors of the work will ensure its authorship and originality, and that is not a copy or modification of any works of others and does not correspond to any deceased author.

The work may not be committed to non-publishing rights on it.

Works can be submitted by one or more authors and illustrators authors / illustrators. The authors may or participate in the contest in more than one item and the number of works they wish. Items

The contest will award works aimed at children aged 4 to 12 years in two categories, each category will recognize a first prize in the English language and a first prize in a native language:

A. Picture book (fully illustrated book where text and pictures present a story in a complementary way).

  • The theme, format and technical illustration work are free.
  • The minimum length is 20 pages and 40 pages maximum.
  • Features presentation: the work must be submitted in color printed in triplicate. Must be fully completed in both text and illustrations as banded or stapled (no need to bind it). Should include a CD with digital file (PDF) of the same work.

B. Storybook (text only)

  • The theme is free.
  • The minimum length is 50 pages and the maximum of 100 (A4, Arial, size 12 double-spaced).
  • features of presentation: printed texts must be submitted in triplicate in A4 size paper, single-sided, banded or stapled (not necessary bound). Should include a CD with digital file (PDF) of the same text. Referral


  • First on: In a first envelope will be placed three copies of the book and the CD with the digital file (PDF). Each copy of the work and the CD must be labeled with the title of the work and the pseudonym. Original should not be included in the envelope, only reproductions. On the outside of the envelope will be transcribed as follows: "The Rainbow" - Children's Literature Contest 2010. The sealed envelope must be sent without identifying the sender to the lyrics of the Institute Address Culture, Mitre 171, 3500 Resistencia, Chaco. Second
  • on: In the first envelope will be placed one on the following information: the title outside of the work and pseudonym. Inside: the author / authors should / n enter your details: name, identity, address, telephone number, user ID and title of the work.

Closing Date and awards

The works are due on Monday, October 25, 2010 (postmark date will e-mail). The winners of the three categories will be announced before Monday, December 20, 2010. Shall promptly the awards ceremony. Integration


The jury shall be appointed by the organizers and will include specialists in children's literature, an illustrator and speakers of indigenous languages \u200b\u200binvolved. Endowment

prize will be awarded in each category ("Illustrated Tale" and "Storybook"), a work in English and an indigenous language. Each of these works will be awarded a sum of $ 3,000 (three thousand dollars). The jury may award the terms it deems appropriate and perhaps recommend its publication. The jury may declare any of the prizes. No awards shared declare. The jury's decision is final.

Publication of the work

The organizers reserve the right to publish works that have won first prize and will be delivered to the author / authors of a percentage of books not less than 5% of the specimens printed.

works in indigenous languages \u200b\u200bwill be published in a bilingual edition.

paper will not be returned. The copies of the works will be destroyed after publication of the verdict of the jury, without appropriate decision on this claim whatsoever. Winning entries will be held by the organizing committee will have the same for publication and dissemination. Comments

Works not meet any of the requirements of the Tender will not be accepted and the organizing committee has the right to cancel the work. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.

The jury decide any issue not included in this regulation.

Award For clarification, doubts about the delivery of work, or request further information, participants may contact:

Institute of Culture - Directorate Lyrics

Mitre 171 Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina
Hours: business hours, Monday through Friday.
Tel: (54 03722) 453039 Email


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